Rooms are available for 2007 HIGPA International EXPO attendees at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort. All conference events will take place in the hotel. Reservations made after Wednesday, September 19, 2007, are not guaranteed to receive HIGPAs discounted rate and are subject to hotel availability.
Be sure to request the “HIGPA” discounted rate when making reservations!
Rates: Resort View
Single/Double Occupancy: $245.00 per night
Additional Person: $20.00
*Rates are exclusive of applicable state and local taxes
Golf Discount
All attendees of the 2007 International Expo are entitled to ten percent (10 %) golf discount at the JW Marriott Desert Springs Resort. This discount applies to golf fees only, merchandise is excluded.
Golf Reservations: mention that you are an attendee of the 2007 HIGPA International EXPO to receive the discount.
Onsite Attendees must present their EXPO badge and inform the Golf Shop that they are attending the HIGPA Expo.